March 13th is the podcast’s second birthday! Hear (and see) what we’re giving ourselves as a birthday present and about all the fun things planned for this year. And THANK YOU for listening!
Theme Music: Riverbend by Geoff Roper
Welcome to the Postcards From Palisade podcast. I’m your host, Lisa McNamara. Guess what? Today, March 13th, is the podcast’s second birthday! To celebrate the occasion, I felt like it was time for a new outfit – in the form of a fresh logo for the podcast! Last year we got new music and this year we’re getting a makeover.
You’ll notice a new logo in your podcast feed and on the website and social media. It’s a bolder look that I feel better represents what the podcast is at a glance. After all, I created the last logo when I wasn’t sure if even a single person would listen to this. I didn’t even remember to capitalize the F in “from.” I felt like it was time for something more intentional.
You’ll also notice the logo in at least one other place around town. I’m thrilled to announce that the Postcards From Palisade podcast is a Patron of the Arts Sponsor of the Carboy Concert Series, presented by Clint Richards. This concert series is made up of four shows hosted at the beautiful Carboy Winery at Mt. Garfield Estates venue.
The shows include: Bubbles and Blues on May 24 Midsummer Music Fest on June 21 Harvest Harmonies on October 4 and Rave to the Grave on October 31 Check out for more information about each show, along with links to purchase tickets. I’m really looking forward to this series, it’s going to be a lot of fun!
But back to this show – I’m sure you’ve noticed that my publishing frequency slowed way down over the past year. Thanks to my day job, I was traveling to the east coast way too often and it was hard to balance work, life, and the podcast. But the good news is that I’ve quit that pesky day job and now have much more time to focus on the things I care about – like helping others build connections within the community via the podcast and the Palisade weekly event calendar, like serving the community organizations that support the causes I care about, and another exciting thing that is soon to be announced.
I have three awesome episodes on deck that will be coming out over the next few weeks – we’ll be deep-diving into the workings of a local farm, learning about migrant workers of the past, and understanding the H-2A visa program that provides the valley with much of its agricultural manpower today.
And I have so many ideas for stories to come. If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast or if there’s a story you’d like told or someone you’d like to hear from, let me know at lisa(at) I always appreciate hearing from you all and I love your stories!
Remember, Palisade is most famous for its peaches, but there’s so much more happening in our little town. I’m looking forward to continuing to share it all with you.
The podcast’s theme music is Riverbend by Geoff Roper (and happy first birthday to it!).
Thanks for listening. With love, from Palisade.