Today I catch up with a fellow Lisa: Lisa “Moose” Kral of Dancing In My Head Photography. Lisa has been one of the photographers for Colorado Mountain Winefest for many years and will be returning as the Palisade Bluegrass and Roots Festival photographer in June. She’s also looking forward to returning as a photographer for the Palisade Peach Festival and lots of other local events.
Lisa may be best known for her ability to effortlessly capture Facebook-profile-worthy photos of people…along with her ardent love of the color purple. Lisa shares her path from desk job as an office manager to full-time photographer, the challenges of running her own creative business, how she and her husband Matt ended up in Palisade, her wildest celebrity and neighborhood encounters, and lots more.
For more info about Dancing In My Head Photography, find Lisa on Facebook or on Instagram @dancinginmyheadphotography.
Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay.

Hello and welcome to Postcards from Palisade, the podcast that shares a snapshot of the people and places that make this slice of western Colorado wonderful. I’m your host, Lisa McNamara.
Today I’m talking with Lisa “Moose” Kral of Dancing In My Head Photography. Lisa has been one of the photographers for Colorado Mountain Winefest for many years and will be returning as the Palisade Bluegrass and Roots Festival photographer in June. She’s also looking forward to returning as a photographer for the Palisade Peach Festival and lots of other local events.
Lisa may be best known for her ability to effortlessly capture Facebook-profile-worthy photos of people…along with her ardent love of the color purple. Lisa shares her path from desk job as an office manager to full-time photographer, the challenges of running her own creative business, how she and her husband Matt ended up in Palisade, her wildest celebrity and neighborhood encounters, and lots more.
Like her favorite kind of photo to take (clip), how she deals with un-credited photo sharing (clip), and what she loves about Palisade – from the heartwarming things (clip) to the kinds of wild adventures you might not see coming (clip). All that and more, on today’s Postcard From Palisade.
Lisa McNamara (LM): Do we really want the pickle song?
Lisa Kral (LK): Matt, do you wanna sing the pickle song? Just sing it real quick.
Matt Kral (MK): You talking to me?
LK: Yeah, sing the pickle song.
MK: Everybody’s pickling pickling pickling.
LK: That’s my introduction, folks. Welcome to the podcast about Dancing in my Head Photography!
LM: When you introduce yourself to somebody who doesn’t know you, how do you introduce yourself?
LK: Oh, just, I don’t pull out the Moose thing right away, I just say Lisa Kral.
LM: Would you rather ask people to call you Moose, or?
LK: No, I feel like people choose what they want to call me. My Mom refuses to call me Moose. There’s another woman in town who shall remain nameless, she does not accept Moose as my nickname. That’s totally fine. People who have known me a long time don’t often call me Moose. But they see it, and new people in my life usually pick it up.
The name of my business is Dancing In My Head Photography. I’m a photographer in Palisade, CO. That wasn’t exactly the plan when we moved out here, but it kind of happened, kind of organically. I feel lucky to be working with something that I love to do, instead of…my office management job was great and I was really good at it, but it didn’t bring me as much joy as photography does.
LM: So how did you end up in Palisade?
LK: So my husband and I met in 2003 and when we started dating we started going on a lot of road trips in Chicago. And we went like, everywhere, but like, small town. And we finally got really sick of driving through Indiana. Sorry, Indiana, if you’re listening!
LM: But it’s so fast!
LK: And we really, we took a trip to Breckenridge and we fell in love with it, and we just kept thinking, like, new road trips! We should just move to Colorado! And his job came with him, so it was really easy to make the transition to Denver. And when we got to Denver, we started road tripping everywhere, and Palisade was one of those places we just kept coming back to.
And we finally stayed at this B&B, it happened to be in Clifton, and it was for sale, and I fell in love with it. And we had just gotten married and then we started thinking about a house, and I wanted this B&B in Clifton. And we met with the Realtor and he’s like, you do not want that B&B in Clifton. So, he’s like, let me just show you a few more things, and he showed us, like, more than a few more things. And we saw this house – it was on the market for about a week, it was going to be in the parade of homes, and Matt and I were like – let’s move to Palisade! We kind of live our lives like that, we just, I mean, calculated risks, but you know.
So we ended up moving to Palisade and moving into one of our road trips, one of our vacations. Unfortunately, the only thing about Palisade is like, we don’t want to road trip as much, because we live in one! We’re like, living in our vacation, so it, you know, Palisade kind of changed our lifestyle, but in a good way, and we’re happy to be here. And we’ve been here for seven years now.
It was hard, I mean, our next door neighbor, who is no longer our neighbor, but she told me it would take me at least a few years to adjust. And it did. When we got here, I wanted to have the same exact job as I did in Denver, it was a great job. I was an office manager for a wealth management company, doing really well, treated very well, but I came here and it just, it wasn’t a necessary position that people were looking for. If anything, I did too much, and people were like, you’re going to get bored.
So, it did take me a few years to come into really accepting the photography thing as like, what I was going to really do, you know? And, now we’re happy, but those first few years were definitely a transition.
LM: Was it always a hobby for you, and nothing you thought of as a profession?
LK: Yeah, you know, even as a kid, I just documented everything I did. I remember my first big trip without my family was to Israel, and everybody I went with brought like one or two rolls of film. I was like, I need like 20 rolls of film! We’re going to be gone for weeks and I need to take pictures of everything! So, from then, and then my parents gave me a digital camera, and phew. Photos just, I mean, everywhere, everything! Close-ups, landscapes, just everything. And then I got into social media and started posting my photos and people are like, you need to sell these.
And so I started thinking more and more about just having this as a hobby, but then I had to, I wanted to brand it. And I was a dancer in college, a ballet and modern dancer. And I knew I wasn’t going to be dancing forever, physically, but I’m always – ideas are always dancing in my head. So that’s where that came from. It was really like, a no-brainier when I wanted to brand my business.
And we moved here and I met with the Chamber and I started working with the Chamber and covering more people. It was less landscapes from our road trips and more people of Palisade. That just kind of became something that people recognized about me – oh, you’re the person that took that awesome photo of me at Peach Festival. So I just started getting jobs, covering events. So now lately, it’s more people photos. Which I love, but it’s harder, because landscapes don’t complain. And some people do, but I think most of my clients have been happy.
LM: Yeah, landscapes don’t blink, either.
LK: Yeah. No blinks, no, you know, I don’t like this angle.
LM: Right, let me see it and let’s do it again!
LK: But, so far, I don’t think I’ve had any unhappy clients, at least not that they’ve told me! But, I love seeing my photos as people’s profile pictures. It just makes me happy. I like when I can make someone feel beautiful. It’s not always an easy thing to do. And I hate pictures of myself, so I get it! Please, people who I am taking your photo, I really get it! I know! But I, I see beauty. I will stare at a photo of someone for hours and hours and hours and they just get more beautiful to me. I see things that maybe they don’t see, other people don’t see, but I’m staring at them, you know, in this like frozen moment in time, and their beauty just comes out at me from the screen, and I love it.
LM: What’s your favorite kind of event or thing to photograph?
LK: I love festivals, because people are uninhibited. When you’re doing a head shot or even band photos, they want to portray a certain image. But at festivals, people are just having fun, and that’s what I like to – my favorite photo is just capturing someone’s happiness, and like I said before, joy. I think that’s the most rewarding thing for me, is just to capture that moment that someone else sees in a picture and they’re like, in that moment, you know? I’m digging the people photography right now!
LM: And I see if everywhere! You’re in all the magazines and on every website. When I was looking around to see if there were any other articles or anything written about you, it’s impossible to find anything because it’s like, photo credit: Dancing In My Head Photography, photo credit, that’s all that comes up, for like, pages!
LK: Right. Yeah, I mean, they did an interview for ShoutOut Colorado. It was pretty in-depth. I was very detailed, which I’m not always good at. My story is not like, super interesting. I’m just a delightful little person, floating around.
There’s random facts about me, like, I don’t know if I want to go into them. Like, sports is in my family, so my father and his brothers used to be part-owners of the Chicago White Sox. My mom’s cousin is the Dallas Cowboys announcer Brad Sham. My cousin Cory Provus was a baseball announcer for the Minnesota Twins. So there’s lots of sports and all these like, fun facts. Like when I used to go to baseball games as a kid, I’d meet like, Mr. T. I don’t know! I have all these weird, random stories that probably make me pretty interesting but no one really gets to know them because they’re like, I don’t know.
LM: OK, but what did Mr. T say to you?
LK: Oh gosh, I don’t even. I think he just told us how lovely we were. He was really nice. Here’s a funny story. My dad was a golfer in his younger days. But we used to go to Florida, because he loved to golf. And we went to this really beautiful country club, called Doral Country Club. And OJ Simpson was there. This was before, you know, the whole, OJ was the guy. But me and my friend were there and we met OJ Simpson, and he came up and my friend was swearing – she was a kind of rough-around-the-edges girl, we’re in our teens, and OJ Simpson told us that young, beautiful girls don’t swear. And you know, at the time, we’re like, oh, OJ Simpson just said that! But now, in retrospect, we’re like, OJ Simpson said that. You know?
LM: And if you keep swearing, I’m going to murder you!
LK: So you know, I have random fun facts.
LM: That’s hilarious. Oh man, I just got so sidetracked in my mind.
LK: I know, I did too.
LM: But no, it’s fun! OK, so we talked about how your favorite kind of thing to photograph is a festival. Do you feel anything when you line up a picture that you’re just like, this is perfect?
LK: Oh yeah! It’s like…like, everything inside you is just like is giddy like a kid and I can’t wait to get back to the computer and share it with everyone. You know, I know, like when I won’t have to edit or touch a picture, it’s like boom, done. It’s a great feeling. Because I don’t like editing. I’d rather just get the photo and move on. Editing is not the best part of the process.
LM: Do you spend more time editing than you actually spent photographing originally?
LK: Yeah. I mean, the more, see, I’m trying to get better at editing and just get fancier with it, and so the fancier, the more I know how to do with editing, the more time I’m spending. There’s something to be said for that, like being able to really accentuate a photo, but there’s also something to be said for getting it and not having to touch it.
LM: Yeah, because how do you know when you’re done? It’s just like with any art…any piece of art. How do you know when it’s over?
LK: It’s like a painting, yeah. Sometimes I just have to, you know, give it to the client and if it’s done – but it might not be done if they come back. I’m never finished until the client is 100% happy. But now, it’s funny, when I’m bored, I go back to old photos, before maybe even Dancing In My Head Photography was a thing, and I start re-editing those. Like, I could have made that better. And also I had a shhhh, I had a bad camera at the time. So. Don’t want you to have to bleep me!
LM: So far nobody has actually dropped any swearing on the podcast!
LK: Sorry, I could have been the first one! Ah!
LM: Jeff almost did, but then he censored himself!
LK: Just like I did?
LM: Yeah! I don’t know, I guess somehow this is turning into a clean podcast. Which is weird.
LK: Well you have a very wholesome voice.
LM: Hah!
LK: You do, I listen to your podcast and you just sound so, just, calm and peaceful. I can’t see anyone trying to be dropping swear words, like, left and right.
LM: Can you talk a little bit about what you’re working on right now? Or what you have coming up that you’re really excited about?
LK: Oof, I’m like, so, I’m working on a lot of things right now, I’m just like everywhere. Yesterday I took band photos so they’ll be my focus for, you know, until they’re happy. I have a Chamber photo event – actually, when’s this airing?
LM: If I can get it done for next Tuesday, I’ll do next Tuesday.
LK: Oh, well, it’ll be after. So, the community hospital grand opening is this weekend and I’ll be taking photos for the Palisade Chamber of Commerce. I have a friend’s wedding up and coming at Maison la Belle Vie this month. So just, you know, there’s a lot of little different things, some private photo sessions, and…I’m just everywhere this month.
LM: I’m sure it gets a lot busier as you get into festival season and wedding season!
LK: And better weather outside, people want to get photos. That’s Mellow [an adorable cat had just walked into the room].
LM: Hi Mellow! I love gray cats, especially. What’s your favorite camera to use?
LK: My favorite camera is my Sony A6500. I have tons of cameras. Believe me, my office is full of different cameras. But this one, I just, it’s always been reliable. I don’t know if it’s my lucky camera strap that I have on here.
LM: I love that strap.
LK: Yeah it’s just my go-to. I like it.
LM: It’s compact..
LK: It’s compact, yeah. I’m a tiny person. I have a giant camera and I feel like I’m walking hunched over – this is not good for my posture!
LM: Right!
LK: Yeah, I love my Sony A6500, as I almost drop it.
LM: What’s your dream camera to own?
LK: Oh gosh, I don’t know. I try not to even look at things, because then I get big eyes. And I don’t need a new camera right now. This one is very good to me. I don’t have a dream camera. I probably would if I looked.
LM: That’s very responsible!
LK: Yes, I know myself. I see something. I love clothes, too. Something weird that I do as a photographer is I try to have themed clothes for all my photos shoots. So like yesterday, when I photographed the band, I wore a shirt with a guitar on it. I have pants that have coffee on it for the Palisade Chamber’s Community Over Coffee, and like, we went to a wine festival and I have wine pants.
LM: I saw your wine pants, I was like, those are amazing!
LK: I have themed clothes, it’s weird. So, if I see the clothes, it’s the same thing about the camera. If I see it, I’m going to want it. So I know myself well enough.
LM: I’m impressed! That’s really good discipline.
LK: And that’s how we ended up with a purple car! I’ve had my other car for 20 years and this one, with all the high tech stuff, you know, my phone connects to the car now, so like I’ll be driving around Palisade and I’m getting texts, like, I just saw you in your purple car! And I’m like ah! Stop talking to me, car! Cars talking to me now! I might sound like an old lady, but, it’s just weird.
LM: You post a lot of your stuff online. And I know you watermark and everything.
LK: I’m getting better about the watermarking. People used to yell at me about not watermarking.
LM: I’ve asked you, oh, can I use one of your pictures, with credit and everything, but I’m sure that people use them, people share them. How do you feel about that, or how do you deal with un-credited sharing?
LK: Oh, it’s hard. I pick and choose my battles when it comes to that. I feel like some people should know better, you know? And it’s weird, because my feelings are not consistent. It’s very situational. But, in general, I don’t like people stealing my photos. But with the way things are these days, on social media, people can just right click and save it, you know!
LM: And you have no idea.
LK: Yeah. You don’t. For some reason, I feel like the Facebook algorithms are good to me. I’ll be scrolling and I’ll be like, oh! There’s my picture! Interesting. So, I’ve been able to catch a lot of it, just, I don’t know why, if the algorithm gods are being kind to me or what. It’s hard. It’s definitely hard when I see my photos somewhere where I wasn’t expecting them to be. I think a lot of people, in this day and age, who are in my circle – because I’m friends with a lot of photographers – they know. They know the unspoken rule. If you’re using someone else’s image, you ask. You give them photo credit. But, just for the record: photo credit doesn’t pay the bills.
LM: Totally! Yeah, no kidding.
LK: But like I said, it’s very situational. Like with the Sing Up The Sun festival – those are all my friends. You guys are all my friends. I’m not going to get mad at my friend for saying, you took this beautiful photo of me, can I use it? Like, of course you can!
LM: So if you do see something, do you try to –
LK: I usually say something. I try to be very polite. And usually the response is polite as well. It’s usually just an oversight or something.
LM: But this is a ton of labor and a ton of work and I think that people don’t necessarily see that. They see part of what you’re doing, which is being there and taking the picture, but, it’s your time, and then it’s your time later editing, and your skills, which are hard to quantify even. And there’s just so much more that goes into it.
LK: When I’m in editing mode, I come here, but I have a giant screen in there, so like I’m here, I’m there. I’m putting them through different editing programs, I’m looking at them, I look at them, I walk away, I’m not, I can’t just sit and stare, I need some perspective. It’s a whole, like, emotional process that I go through with the photos after I take them. That luckily only my husband has to see.
But yeah, I will shut down, for like a few days, if it’s a big event and there are thousands of photos. Not to toot my own horn, but I usually like a lot of those thousands of photos! So then I have to like, be more discerning. I think that’s probably my biggest flaw, is being more discerning. Because I usually fall in love with a lot of the photos that I take and it’s like, even if the band member may be just slightly different here, but they’re both good pictures! But yeah, the editing process is something that I think is definitely under-appreciated.
LM: Absolutely. Absolutely. In terms of owning your own business, especially a creative business, what do you find most rewarding about that and what’s the most challenging thing about it?
LK: Well, the photography business, since there’s no scheduled hours – I used to be very routine, when I had an office job. Wake up at the same time, shower at the same time. Everything was, and now I don’t have a routine, which is very hard, and it’s hard on him too. So, that’s the hard part, I don’t have a very steady routine. You never know when you’re needed and I try to be available at all hours. Except the morning. You have to pay me extra to be like, up in the morning and ready. Photo gigs in the morning cost extra!
The most rewarding though is I can do what I want! Not that I say no to anybody, but I can choose what I want to do. Being an office manager, at a high demanding job, I couldn’t say no. I did everything. I was the IT girl, I was answering phones, ordering things for the office, preparing nice-looking presentations, and taking care of clients. It was just everything. I had to do everything, and it wasn’t always my choice. But I think it’s very much my choice, which I love about having my own business.
LM: What’s your favorite thing about the Palisade community?
LK: Oof, um, it’s funny, because after living in big cities for most of my adult life – we had our certain friends, and small, but you move to Palisade and you feel like you’re friends with everybody. And I love it. Growing up, I had like four guy friends, four or five guy friends, and those were my boys. And I kind of stayed, throughout my whole life, most of my friends have been guys, until I moved to Palisade. I have a lot more female friends here. I feel like, better about that! I used to get, like, panic attacks when I had to be in a room with a lot of women. But now I don’t feel that at all. I like it. I felt very welcomed here. It’s hard sometimes if you want to just roll out to the grocery store, but now with my purple car there’s no going to the grocery store and like, not seeing anybody!
LM: You can’t go incognito anymore!
LK: Matt’s like, you’re not going to know anybody here, and we walk in and I was like, hi. I already know someone here.
LM: You’ll have to go to some grocery store on the other side of town, but you’ll still probably see somebody you know!
LK: But even there – yep, yep. I mean, with the purple hair and now with the purple car, it’s really hard to be incognito. But I love it. I really like it. It’s a very warm community. I mean, I’m a city girl, so I have great stories now. Our neighbors used to have pigs that got loose. Matt and I have chased loose pigs, like, three times, I think. And just like, these stories that I get to say, these words coming out of my mouth. Like, there were pigs rolling around on our pool cover once. And they were over 200 pounds. And they’re like, you know, during the season the pool cover collects rainwater and stuff. The pigs got out and I’m looking out this window and there’s just a pig rolling around and I’m like, and Matt’s, I call Matt and I’m like, I don’t know what to do!
And luckily the pool covers can hold up a lot of weight. I mean, I’ve stood on it before, it’s like a water bed almost. But, I was like, Matt, what do I do, the pigs are on the pool! And there were two others, like, looking at it. So Matt comes out and I’m like, oh the photographer in me, I have to record this. So Matt goes out and he’s like, herding them away from the pool and I have it on video. Sorry, this is a podcast and you can’t see it, but it’s like, a really funny video.
LM: I can visualize it, trying to grab the – or were you just trying to herd them?
LK: They were so big. So, one time they got little babies. This was the third time that they got pigs. They thought they had secured the, but they were so tiny that the little pigs got out, and those were the only pigs you could actually pick up and carry. Of course I have pictures of that too. But the other ones, the ones on our pool cover, there was no picking those guys up. They ended up being over 250 pounds, so what we had to do, was like, everybody had to grab something. Like a stick, a rake, our pool skimmer, whatever it was, and you have to, like – you need at least four people to kind of corner them off and like kind of run them back to the pen.
And luckily one time when they got out, some guy was just driving down the highway and he pulled over and his dog was a herder. Because the neighbors weren’t home and it was just me and Matt and we’re like, trying to get these giant pigs. And this guy comes out and like finally the neighbors get home or their friends come over and so the herder dog saved the day. So, wrangling pigs. That’s another thing I love about Palisade – I get to tell stories like that. Mom, I wrangled pigs today!
LM: I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t have ever happened in Chicago.
LK: Not really, and not Denver either! Not something I ever imagined myself saying, but love that I have these stories. And you know, even just simpler things. I never thought we’d have a peach orchard. We have 130 trees, about. Maybe a few less, because we’ve lost some over the years, but Dennis Clark takes care of our peach orchard and we couldn’t be more thankful.
The first year we were here it was a great season, and we didn’t really know, we were still getting to know the situation the previous owners had with Dennis, and we woke up to like, boxes, giant boxes of peaches. It was a very good season. Every day for like three days we’d just get giant boxes of peaches. And Dennis sells them at Clark Family Orchards. We just run the irrigation and they take care of the rest. And we’re very thankful. So even things like that, you know. The things I get to say about my Palisade life, which has been my hashtag since I got here. I just, I love the things. And they bring smiles to my face and to other people’s face when I tell them. So, it’s just like a good life here. My Palisade life is really enjoyable.
LM: So when you get a day off, how do you enjoy it?
LK: When I get a day off, I – I mean, everybody thinks I’m like, this super social person – and I am, but I lately, especially, I just like retreating, just being by myself. You know, it’s funny – he works from home, and I enjoy like, listening to him on his phone calls. I like it. He says things that warm my heart. I’m like, that’s my husband! You know, I just –
LM: Oh no, Paul’s going to be so jealous, I always say, you’re so loud!
LK: Well, I will say, he used to sit out here and work and I’d be like, dude, you’re in the middle of our house. Like, you gotta take it into your office. You got one. But there are times when I’ll be editing photos over here and he’ll be working next to me, and it’s kinda nice. Like I said, a lot more lately, when I’m not working I just want to kind of have some down time. Just peaceful, quiet. You can see I – I can just sit outside or take pictures around my property.
I really never stop taking pictures. Even if I’m home, I’m like, ooh, that tree looks pretty, ooh there’s a pretty, you know, so, it’s just me time, when I’m not working. And I actually don’t have the best memory. So photos actually really help. Like we were just, last night, we were like reminiscing about all the houses we looked at when we were moving – I don’t remember, and this was only eight years ago – but I don’t remember any of the houses except this one. He’s like, don’t you remember, it had the weird – and I’m like, no. I don’t even remember being there. So photos help me remember certain things.
And also, like, it’s funny cause I feel like I see the world in like, super vivid colors. And then I always, that’s why, like, when I edit some photos, I get carried away. Because when I see things, everything seems, like, much more vivid. And I know cameras don’t always capture the true essence of colors, but, I just love making things really bright and vivid and colorful. I do that even when I’m alone, you know? Like I said, I work on old photos sometimes, and just because I think, like, oh I didn’t really capture what I really saw. So yeah, I have fun by myself. I’m really good at being alone. I really don’t mind it at all. And you know, he’s a hoot. He’s always good for a laugh. And entertaining.
LM: That’s good. Good to like your husband! Is there anything else that you want to share? Anything that I didn’t ask you?
LK: Well, I’m really glad that you didn’t ask me about my nickname and where it came from, because that’s a story best told at other times.
LM: Part of the problem is that I already read the story!
LK: Yeah, if you don’t know the story, too bad!
LM: Yeah!
LK: Just kidding. Come and find me and I’ll tell it to you. I guess, I want people to know that I love taking photographs of anything and everything and I’d love to help out. If you’re struggling to see beauty in yourself, I’d love to help you find it. I think that’s what’s been motivating me a lot, lately, is helping people see what I see, that beauty is in anyone, anywhere. So just know that I photograph anything and everything. I used to say, I only do this – but now, there is nothing I won’t do. I really hope people in Palisade and beyond, whoever is listening this, will consider to hire me. I’d love to work with you. Is that like, a good shameless promotion?
LM: Yeah!! That’s an excellent shameless promotion!
LK: I work with many budgets and all kinds of things. So yeah. Reach out to me.
LM: How would people get in touch with you? What’s the best way?
LK: Um, you can’t. No, just kidding. You can email me, my email is You can find me on Facebook at Lisa Moose Levy Kral or Dancing In My Head Photography. I have a website that I don’t like, so I don’t want to steer you there, but it’s another way to find me. It’s I have someone who wants to help me with my website, and I know she will. Hannah, I know you’re listening, maybe. And I will ask you to help me, eventually. I’m on Instagram – dancinginmyheadphotography. So, I’m easy to find. I’m also that girl with the purple hair, so.
LM: And the purple car! Thank you so much for your time. This was super fun.
LK: Yeah, thanks. It was nice for you to get to know me. If anyone has any questions for me, I’m happy to talk, and spend quality time. And maybe I won’t take your picture, we can just talk.
LM: Sounds good. Awesome. Thank you, Lisa.
LK: Yeah, thank you.
LM: Something that Lisa says is: you can’t spell Palisade without Lisa. Just look, it’s right there in the middle. And you’ll never unsee it now.
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